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The purpose of treatment is
Legal basis
This data processing is based on the consent of the respondent
The type of processing can be: collection, recording, organisation, storage, adaptation, editing, extraction, consultation, use, transmiton, communication, publishing or any other form of provision, connection or interconnection, locking, deletion or destruction
Categories of data processed
The IP address of the computer or mobile device you are currently using might be collected. However, it is only to prevent multiple responses left by the same person. This data is only accessible to EVALANDGO.
Source of data
This information is collected from the respondent who answers the questionnaire
Mandatory nature of data collection
The mandatory collection depends on the type of data involved. If it is the case, this is specified in the questionnaire.
Don't make this decision automatic
The data processing concerns any natural and legal person answering the questionnaire.
Categories of recipients
Data transfer within eu
Personal data is kept during
We constantly protect your data.
This is why we apply all the security measures necessary to protect your data against unauthorised access, modification, disclosure or destruction. These measures include:
The security measures taken by our subcontractor for personal data processing, EVALANDGO, are as follows:
You can access and obtain copies of data concerning you, oppose the processing of these data, ask for rectifying or have them erased. You also have the right to restrict the processing of your data.
Getting to know your rights on informatics and liberty
Exercising the rights
The Responsible for Data Protection is the person to contact for any request about exercising your rights for processing.
Contact the Responsible via email:
Submit a complaint to the CNIL (national commission on informatics and liberty)
If you feel, after contacting us, that your rights for data processing have not been respected, you can submit a complaint to the CNIL. (national commission on informatics and liberty)."
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